New international scientific project
Project AP23491050 "Climate changes in forest ecosystems of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Kazakhstan based on the content of carbon and hydrogen" is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will be implemented during 2024-2026.
In this country, occupying over a solid 2.7 million square kilometers, only 5% of the area is covered by forests, and half of them are desert saxaul ones. The more familiar deciduous and coniferous forests, stretching in a narrow strip in the north and east (mainly in the mountains), are of great value for Kazakhstan. Therefore, the state supported another study aimed at understanding the reactions to droughts and other climate fluctuations from the main, forest-forming tree species of these ecosystems.
In the new project, the dendrochronological approach (analysis of the tree-ring width and structure) will be combined and compared with elemental analysis – in particular, the content of carbon and hydrogen in wood matter will be assessed. The team includes specialists in various fields of science from Kazakhstan and different regions of Russia. This is far from the first time that our scientists participate in international collaborations. In particular, they have already taken part in the previous project of Nariman Mapitov (PhD, associate professor of Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar). Also, our Kazakh colleague has already visited Abakan several times, having completed two training courses at the lab to improve his skills as a dendrochronologist, becoming a co-author of several publications of the laboratory's research and a participant in scientific and educational events held on its basis.